Note to My self

February 06, 2017

List for all the tasks:

  1. WordPress Theme basics
  2. Create a theme from ground up
  3. Create a theme that is uploaded to the
  4. Reading at least 10 books in each semester
  5. Books : be it coding, romance, pulp etc. but read the book.
  6. Understand the coding basics so that your Software be work on its long run
  7. Focus
  8. Take part in academic things
  9. Actively part in program presentation and class talks
  10. Class talks means group discussions teacher questions
  11. Create new hobbies based on ‘sex’ and ‘cash’ theory
  12. Read as much as you can
  13. Discipline
  14. Scheduling
  15. Blogging
  16. Smart Work
  17. Be Creative
  18. Priority Chart
  19. It’s Now or Never
  20. Coding
  21. 33-33-33 %

Do not try to perfect things, let the time make it perfect for you.

Short Notes :

Being productive is comes from inside. You can make time for your work but if you start to say NO to the things that takes your time unnecessary. Be it Counter strike, Be it gossiping.

If you find any time that you are free work on your Blogging, Academics things or start reading a new book. For academics I want to say that don’t work on the last day of submission you have lot of time don’t spend it on the internet shitty things. I know many things are important as well going out with friends or going for a walk to primary school etc.

Just maintain the Red Line in between them. And The most important thing is to don’t habitual of any wrong shitty things you were in the past. Make your future a more interesting then yesterday.

If you are working on a new technology first try to find out any book related to it and read from the book. If you stuck anywhere then take help of the internet.

The focus in this semester for languages will be in WordPress and the one w’ll have on the Syllabus.

I love coding but i am separated right now. I am not in my coding pants. I have to add it up to my life in Weekends, and work solely on it.

Schedule the work that don’t do more on WordPress that it will become the sole thing and work on the other things too. But in between there is a red line that says to “Go away it’s time to Work on my C++ thing.”

For any thing that you are developing first create a Document on it and do all the trivia there.

I am not a direct write on screen person you can write all the points on the hard copy then do it on the screen.

Thanks for reading if you have any comments or feedback you can reach out to me on twitter.

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